Meal intended for human consumption

Patent Number: 9386792

Patent Date: 2016-07-12

Patent type: utility

This invention relates to a plurality of compositions for dietary health management and its use in the prevention or treatment of cardiovascular disease or type 2 diabetes, and also in the prevention and/or management of obesity and generally in weight management and loss. Thus a meal intended for human consumption is provided, the meal comprising: (a) 250-650 kilocalories (1045-4180 kiloJoules); (b) 10-50, preferably 20-50, more preferably 30-50 g fiber; (c) 10-50, preferably 10-30, more preferably 10-20 g protein; (d) 0 to 5, preferably less than 3 g starch; and (e) 0 to 2, preferably 0 to 1, most preferably 0 to 0.5 g lactose; (f) at least 20, preferably at least 30, most preferably at least 40 mg of any one flavonoid aglycone; and (g) at least 30, preferably at least 40, most preferably at least 50 mg of any one flavonoid glucoside; wherein the meal comprises 75-1000 mg of total flavonoid aglycone and flavonoid glucoside, wherein the meal comprises no more than 250 mg of any one flavonoid aglycone, wherein the meal comprises no more than 250 mg of any one flavonoid glucoside.


First Name Last Name City State Country
Mark John Berry - - -
Heather Jennifer Bligh - - -
Mark Ian Fowler - - -
Karl John Hunter - - -
Katrina Macaulay - - -


Section Class Sub Class Group Sub Group
A 61 K 47 00
A 23 L 1 29
A 23 L 1 30
A 23 L 1 308
A 23 L 1 305


Organization First Name Last Name City State Country
Conoco Inc. - - - - -