Physiological acoustic monitoring system

Patent Number: 9386961

Patent Date: 2016-07-12

Patent type: utility

An acoustic monitoring system has an acoustic front-end, a first signal path from the acoustic front-end directly to an audio transducer and a second signal path from the acoustic front-end to an acoustic data processor via an analog-to-digital converter. The acoustic front-end receives an acoustic sensor signal responsive to body sounds in a person. The audio transducer provides continuous audio of the body sounds. The acoustic data processor provides audio of the body sounds upon user demand.


First Name Last Name City State Country
Ammar Al-Ali - - -
Sung Uk Lee - - -


Section Class Sub Class Group Sub Group
A 61 B 5 00
A 61 B 7 00
A 61 B 5 0205
A 61 B 5 024
A 61 B 5 08


Organization First Name Last Name City State Country
Masimo Corporation - - - - -