Brand Owner Address Description
ACTIVE UPDATE New Boundary Technologies, Inc. Suite 107 10 Second Street NE Minneapolis MN 55413 Active Update dynamically groups computers based on their hardware and software configuration for the purpose of monitoring and controlling them.;ACTIVE UP DATE;

Where the owner name is not linked, that owner no longer owns the brand

Technical Examples
  1. A source computer 8 stores updated data that is to be distributed to a plurality of destination computers (12 to 30). The destination computers (12 to 30) are divided into groups sharing a common priority level (5, 4, 3, 2, 1). Each of these groups is then associated with a push update task to be executed by the source computer 8. These push update tasks are then sequentially executed. If a particular group of destination computers exceeds a threshold size, then it may be further divided in accordance with a hierarchy of splitting rules. The push update tasks use multicasting to transfer the update data to the destination computers within their groups in a manner that reduces network traffic.