Brand Owner Address Description
TRILON Man-Gill Chemical Company 23000 St. Clair Ave. Cleveland OH 44117 Alkaline Cleaners for Cleaning Motors, Metal Parts and Surfaces for Industrial Use;

Where the owner name is not linked, that owner no longer owns the brand

Technical Examples
  1. The present invention relates to a method for the production of liquid cleaners, consisting of a cleaner housing with a cleaning chamber exhibiting an inner and an outer end, and a cleaning insert arranged inside the cleaning chamber. The cleaner housing is given a conical shape such that the cleaning chamber receives a smaller lateral dimension at its inner end than at its outer end, said outer end being openable. The cleaning insert is manufactured from a fluid-permeable, compressible cleaning material with a lateral dimension that in an initial state, outside the cleaner housing, exceeds the smaller lateral dimension of the cleaning chamber. The other end of the cleaner housing is kept open, and the cleaning insert is inserted into said other end having the larger lateral dimension, and is pressed into the cleaning chamber towards the end having the smaller lateral dimension. Hereby, the cleaning insert is continuously compressed into receiving, at its inner end, said smaller lateral dimension, causing the cleaning material of cleaning insert to be gradually compacted, seen in the axial direction, at least in a portion at the inner end of the cleaner housing. The invention also relates to a liquid cleaner, produced by the method.