Brand Owner Address Description
ALUMINUMPLANT.COM INDUSTRIAL EXCHANGE CORPORATION 5108 Arrowhead Road Hanover VA 23069 ALUMINUM PLANT;Sale of industrial equipment and parts, auction services for the sale of industrial equipment and parts, exchange of information in the field of industrial equipment and parts, consultation services in the field of industrial equipment and parts, all offered via a global computer network;

Where the owner name is not linked, that owner no longer owns the brand

Technical Examples
  1. Aluminum-containing films having an oxygen content within the films. The aluminum-containing film is formed by introducing hydrogen gas along with argon gas into a sputter deposition vacuum chamber during the sputter deposition of aluminum or aluminum alloys onto a semiconductor substrate. The aluminum-containing film so formed is hillock-free and has low resistivity, relatively low roughness compared to pure aluminum, good mechanical strength, and low residual stress.