Brand Owner Address Description
ALUMNICONNECT SelectMinds 6th floor 149 Fifth Avenue New York NY 10010 ALUMNI CONNECT;Providing on-line non-downloadable social networking software used by corporations for connecting their alumni to one another and the company while maximizing recruiting, knowledge management, and new business;

Where the owner name is not linked, that owner no longer owns the brand

Technical Examples
  1. Group-Specific "Career Management Tools" allow groups (a sample of which include: academic departments at colleges and universities, academic groups, campus fraternity chapters, professional group chapters, and any cluster of individuals that identifies itself as a group), to manage their career-related activity on-line, through a tool containing functionality that includes, but is not limited to: a group-specific resume database, a group-specific job database, and a group-specific alumni database. Career Management Tools provide career-related information for group members, and such information is targeted specifically to the group. Information is entered into the Career Management Tool by group members (such as students, faculty, department administrators, group officers, and alumni), or by entities trying to target group members. Career Management Tools are deployed on a group's web site, and are branded to the group site's look and feel and they are accessible from the group's web site.