Brand Owner (click to sort) Address Description
FREAMINE HBC B. BRAUN MEDICAL, INC. 824 Twelfth Avenue Bethlehem PA 180180027 amino acid solution for intravenous adminstration for use in the treatment of protein deficiencies;HBC;
STRESSAMINE MCGAW, INC. 2525 MCGAW AVENUE IRVINE CA 92714 amino acid solution for intravenous administration for use in treatment of protein deficiencies;

Where the owner name is not linked, that owner no longer owns the brand

Technical Examples
  1. An amino-acid iodine complex, viz. amino-acid amino-carboxyl iodine complex, was provided wherein its coordinate center is iodine molecule, complex reagent is amino-acid, sites of complexing reaction are amino and carboxyl groups of amino-acid. The complex can be used for the production of feedstuff, food additive, disinfectant, antiseptic and medicament. Also provided is a method for the production of said complex comprising opening the inner-complex ring of amino-acid by acid catalysis and allowing the amino-acid to combine with iodine molecule to form an amino-acid amino-carboxyl iodine complex; because amino-acid is a nutriment and amino-carboxyl complex is achieved, their introduction not only increases the nutritional function of the complex and improves the stability of iodine, but also is beneficial to the environment protection and enhances the disinfecting activity against viruses and bacteria.