Brand Owner Address Description
AMPLIFY-D CONKLIN COMPANY, INC. 551 Valley Park Drive Shakopee MN 55379 AMPLIFY D;Cottonseed Treatment Compound which Enhances Seedling Vigor and Performance;

Where the owner name is not linked, that owner no longer owns the brand

Technical Examples
  1. A multicell amplifier comprises a first divider unit, which receives the input signal of the amplifier, divides it into 2N subsignals, amplifies them and recombines the amplified signals in two N-way combiners to form two local output signals; two further divider units which take the local output signals and divide them into 4N subsignals, amplify them and recombine the amplified signals to form three local output signals; and two combiner units which take the three local output signals and divide them into 4N subsignals, amplify them and recombine the amplified signals to provide the output signal of the amplifier.