Brand Owner (click to sort) Address Description
THE COVER WINNER INTERNATIONAL ROYALTY CORPORATION 32 W. State Street Sharon PA 16146 anti-theft device for use with a steering wheel lock to prevent steering wheel damage;
THE SHIELD WINNER INTERNATIONAL ROYALTY CORPORATION 32 W. State Street Sharon PA 16146 anti-theft device for use with a steering wheel lock to prevent steering wheel damage;

Where the owner name is not linked, that owner no longer owns the brand

Technical Examples
  1. A display device body includes an image display section for displaying an image, a first power supply section for supplying power to the image display section, an anti-theft section for preventing the display device body from theft, and a second power supply section for supplying power to the anti-theft section. The anti-theft section includes a vibration sensor for sensing a shake of the display device body, a vibration detection section for detecting a vibration based on an output level from the vibration sensor, a state retention section for selectively retaining one of a cautionary state in which caution is taken against the theft of the display device and an alarming state indicating that the display device is being stolen, an alarm section for issuing an alarm when the state retention section is in the alarming state, and an operation control section.