Brand Owner (click to sort) Address Description
DELI FEAST VIENNA SAUSAGE MANUFACTURING COMPANY 2501 North Damen Avenue Chicago IL 60647 Assorted, Ready-to-Eat, Foods-Namely, Sliced Meat, Sausage and Cheese and Salads-Namely, Potato Salad and Cole Slaw Packaged on Serving Trays;No exclusive claim is made to the word Deli apart from the mark as shown.;
PRONET INTERNATIONAL Provis Enterprises P. O. Box 222 Centerville UT 84014 assorted, powdered, non-essential food flavorings used in culinary recipes;INTERNATIONAL;

Where the owner name is not linked, that owner no longer owns the brand

Technical Examples
  1. Object matters handled by each program constituting a work are assorted and classified into a system, and an ID information for discriminating the work is added to a definition information relating to the execution of the work and to an information representing the events which occur with the execution of the work, in order to achieve a unitary management. A priority is assigned to each event occurring with the execution of the work, and whether the information representing the event is to be transferred or stored is decided so as to accomplish the objectives described above.