Brand Owner Address Description
@ANYPLACE CAPGEMINI U.S. 750 Seventh Avenue, 18th Floor New York NY 10019 AT ANYPLACE;business consulting in the fields of connectivity and mobile communications technologies;technology consulting in the fields of connectivity and mobile communications technologies;

Where the owner name is not linked, that owner no longer owns the brand

Technical Examples
  1. For fire fighting and emergency rescue in high-rise buildings the building can be equipped with rails on the outside of the building. The rails have elevators, which travel on the rails on the outside face of the building. Two elevators traveling in unison and supporting a platform extending therebetween can provide a corridor and or a scaffold for reaching anyplace on the face of a building. Other elevators or elevators with cranes can be used on the rails in combination with the elevators with the platform to fight fires, rescue people from the upper floors of buildings or perform maintenance or construction tasks.