Brand Owner (click to sort) Address Description
@RADICAL_THINKING @RADICAL.MEDIA, INC. 435 Hudson Street New York NY 10014 AT RADICAL THINKING;Graphic art design and graphic illustration for others; animation and special-effects design for others; creation of web sites for others; computer consultation; consultation in the field of multimedia entertainment, namely consultation concerning the design and development of multimedia entertainment products;
@RADICAL_THINKING @RADICAL.MEDIA 435 Hudson Street, 6th Floor New York NY 10014 AT RADICAL_THINKING;Business marketing services and consulting services in the field of branding; television commercial production; providing and disseminating advertising and branded content, namely, integrating the brands of others into the content of various media programming and developing content built around brands in all media technologies;

Where the owner name is not linked, that owner no longer owns the brand

Technical Examples
  1. Process for free-radical polymerization in the presence of a regulator which, following free-radical H-abstraction to form an aromatic system, eliminates a free-radical leaving group which starts a new free-radical chain.