Brand Owner (click to sort) Address Description
CORTEX THE CODE CORPORATION 434 West Ascension Way, Suite 300 Murray UT 84123 bar code reader configuration software; * excluding integrated circuits, microprocessors, microprocessor cores, and computer software used in, and for use in the design and development of, integrated circuits, microprocessors, and microprocessor cores *;In the statement, line 5, after software, excluding integrated circuits, microprocessors, microprocessor cores, and computer software used in, and for use in the design and development of, integrated circuits, microprocessors, and microprocessor cores.;
CORTEXMOBILE THE CODE CORPORATION 434 West Ascension Way, Suite 300 Murray UT 84123 Bar code reader configuration software; software that runs on a mobile electronic device that includes a bar code reader and that allows users to configure the device directly from the device itself; software that runs on a combined bar code reader and personal digital assistant (PDA) and that allows users to configure the reader/PDA directly from the reader/PDA itself; excluding integrated circuits, microprocessors, microprocessor cores, and computer software used in, and for use in the design and development of, integrated circuits, microprocessors, and microprocessor cores;CORTEX MOBILE;
CORTEXRM THE CODE CORPORATION 434 West Ascension Way, Suite 300 Murray UT 84123 Bar code reader configuration software; software that allows users to update, configure and manage their bar code readers remotely; excluding integrated circuits, microprocessors, microprocessor cores, and computer software used in, and for use in the design and development of, integrated circuits, microprocessors, and microprocessor cores;
CORTEXTOOLS THE CODE CORPORATION 434 West Ascension Way, Suite 300 Murray UT 84123 Bar code reader configuration software; excluding integrated circuits, microprocessors, microprocessor cores, and computer software used in, and for use in the design and development of, integrated circuits, microprocessors, and microprocessor cores;

Where the owner name is not linked, that owner no longer owns the brand

Technical Examples
  1. A medical infusion pump with a bar code reader having simplified and enhanced security features. The infusion pump with bar code reader is comprised of an infusion pump with a housing, a control display screen and control software for operating the infusion pump according to input infusion data. A bar code reader is contained in the infusion pump housing and operatively attached to communicate scanned bar code infusion data to the pump display screen and to the control software. At least one initialization button for starting execution of a bar code scanning program is operatively connected through circuitry in the pump, the program activating the bar code reader to scan for an authorized user code, for an authorized user ID code, for a patient ID code, and for infusion data compatible for operating the infusion pump. A confirmation program and confirmation buttons manually operable by the authorized user. Acceptable scanning of authorization code, authorized user ID code, patient ID code and infusion data must be manually confirmed by the authorized user prior to activating the pump to infuse fluids according to the infusion data.