Brand Owner Address Description
BEANKIT Heng Xu 39 Wangjing North Road,Chaoyang District Beijing 100102 China BEAN KIT;Comforters; Coverlets; Quilts; Towels; Washcloths; Bath gloves; Bath towels; Bed pads; Bed sheets; Bed spreads; Blanket throws; Cotton cloth; Cotton fabric; Covers for cushions; Fabric valances; Fitted bed sheets; Frieze; Gauze fabric; Mattress pads; Pillow covers; Quilt covers; Silk cloth; Table linen of textile; Tapestries of textile; Tea towels; Textile printers' blankets; Towel sets; Unfitted fabric furniture covers; Washing gloves; Window curtains;

Where the owner name is not linked, that owner no longer owns the brand

Technical Examples
  1. A method, system and apparatus for performing selective data processing based upon a static analysis of the code of a compiled object. A compiled object, for example an enterprise bean, can be analyzed to determine how individual methods in the enterprise bean access specific objects. Those specific objects can include, for instance, data members of a class, or class objects passed into one or more individual methods of the enterprise bean. Where the individual methods of the enterprise bean do not mutate or otherwise change the state of the specific objects, those objects can be accessed by reference only. Importantly, where the specific objects are data fields linked to a table in a database as managed by a container managed persistence (CMP) bean, an update to the table will not be required when the static analysis of the enterprise bean otherwise indicates that the data fields are merely accessed, but not updated.