Brand Owner (click to sort) Address Description
CYBERSPACERS Oliver, Stan J. 3796 N. Edward Las Vegas NV 89108 Board games and action skill games relating to cyber super heroes; and cyber super hero action figures;Cyber super hero masquerade costumes;CYBER SPACERS;
GOLDEN TOUCH GAMES SHAFA, FARZAD 305 E. 9th st #224 Los Angeles CA 90014 board games and action skill games;GAMES;The drawing is lined for the color gold.;

Where the owner name is not linked, that owner no longer owns the brand

Technical Examples
  1. A gaming device, wherein a player's skill at an action or event determines the player's success or failure in the round. The game is readily adaptable to becoming a pseudo-skill game that would be required in most gaming jurisdictions. In one pseudo-skill embodiment, the skill game is converted to a game employing skill, but which is controlled by a set number of successful outcomes. That is, the player keeps playing until the player's skill produces the set number of successful outcomes. In another pseudo-skill embodiment, the game only appears to the player as involving skill. Instead, the gaming device randomly determines when and how many times to produce a successful outcome and increase the player's award.