Brand Owner Address Description
BARKWOOD KUSAN, INC. Nashville TN Building Siding Material of Solid Vinyl Panels;

Where the owner name is not linked, that owner no longer owns the brand

Technical Examples
  1. An apparatus for applying lap siding including a main body chassis, a lap siding clamp member, an exposure rod, and a lap siding rest platform. The main body chassis includes a main body base plate with a siding clamp rod support member and a siding backing member positioned opposite and substantially parallel to the siding clamp rod support member. The siding clamp includes a threaded siding clamp rod which adjustably engages the siding clamp rod support member, and has a clamping head attached to its inner end. The exposure rod extends substantially perpendicularly upwardly from the main body base plate. The lap siding rest platform is substantially parallel with the main body base plate and is attached to the exposure rod in a manner adapted to allow for vertical adjustment thereof to a predetermined height above the main body base plate.