Brand Owner (click to sort) Address Description
IDI Image Data International Corporation 4275 Village Center Court Missisauga, Ontario L4Z 1V3 Canada business printing equipment and systems designed to print and endorse checks and digitized images; print holograms, photographs and fixed and variable text dataand encode plastic identification/credit cards; thermo printer capable of printing digitized images, alpha-numeric data and bar codes on mylar materials;
IDI Image Data International Corporation 4275 Village Center Court Missisauga, Ontario L4Z 1V3 Canada business printing equipment and systems designed to print and endorse checks and digitized images; print holograms, photographs and fixed and variable text data and encode plastic identification/credit cards; thermo printer capable of printing digitized images, alpha-numeric data and bar codes on mylar materials;IMAGE DATA INTERNATIONAL CORPORATION;

Where the owner name is not linked, that owner no longer owns the brand

Technical Examples
  1. The invention provides a system and method that enables a business developer to develop and execute a Wireless Application Gateway (WAG) without programming or writing code. The WAG, as developed and executed through this invention can support a variety of wireless devices and a variety of backend systems. The business developer can, without writing code, configure screens for a plurality of mobile devices and define the business logic to carry out a process involving communication between backend systems and mobile devices. Without the need of programming, the business developer can select and work with a plurality of backend systems and business processes at runtime of the WAG.