Brand Owner (click to sort) Address Description
SUN GIANT TENNECO WEST, INC. BAKERSFIELD CALIF Carob Coated Fruits, Carob Coated Nuts and Carob Coated Seeds;Roasted and Salted, Flavored and Processed Nuts; Dried Fruits, Processed Raisins and Processed Dates; Mixtures of Dried Fruits and Processed Nuts, Processed Banana Chips and Roasted and Salted Seeds;Unprocessed, Raw Nuts and Unprocessed Raw Seeds;The stippling shown on the drawing is only to indicate shading.;
THERE'S SOMETHING GOOD UNDER THE SUN... SUN GIANT TENNECO WEST, INC. BAKERSFIELD CALIF Carob Coated Fruits, Nuts and Seeds;Roasted and Salted, Flavored and Processed Nuts, Dried Fruits, Raisins, and Dates; Mixtures of Dried Fruits and Nuts, Processed Banana Chips, and Roasted and Salted Seeds;THERE IS SOMETHING;Unprocessed Nuts and Seeds;

Where the owner name is not linked, that owner no longer owns the brand

Technical Examples
  1. A carbonation system is disclosed that effectively controls the treatment of fruits and vegetables with CO2 gas, providing enhanced flavor to fruits and vegetables. One embodiment of the invention uses a microprocessor to preferably monitor and control the pressure, temperature and gas flow within a sealable enclosure to effectively control the carbonation of fruits and vegetables. Another embodiment consists of a combination carbonation system and cooler that effectively controls the carbonation of fruits and vegetables by including pressure relief devices and an insulation cover. The insulation cover has apertures that provide for the distribution of CO2. A third embodiment is disclosed that also consists of a combination carbonation system and cooler. This third embodiment controls carbonation by including, among other features, feedback mechanisms and a pressure relief device. A method of using the first embodiment is also provided.