Brand Owner (click to sort) Address Description
CAROLYNE ROEHM CAROLYNE ROEHM, INC. 550 SEVENTH AVENUE NEW YORK NY 10018 CAROLYNE ROEHM is a name of a living individual whose consent is of record.;costume jewelry;gowns, blouses, skirts, pants, dresses, suits, scarves, shawls, coats (including coats made of leather), sweaters, bathing suits, garments composed primarily of fur; namely, ladies' fur and fur-lined coats and jackets, fur-lined and shearling coats and jackets;
CAROLYNE ROEHM CAROLYNE ROEHM, INC. 550 SEVENTH AVENUE NEW YORK NY 10018 CAROLYNE ROEHM is a name of a living individual whose consent is of record.;perfume, cologne, toilet water, skin cream, skin lotion, scented talc, scented toilet soap, potpourri;

Where the owner name is not linked, that owner no longer owns the brand