Brand Owner Address Description
CACHEMATRIX ATLAS CacheMatrix Holdings 44 Cook Street, 8th Floor Denver CO 80206 CASHE MATRIX ATLAS;Providing temporary use of on-line non-downloadable software for use by others in providing financial services, namely, enabling users of money market portals to monitor and track consolidated credit risk on individual securities across multiple portfolios, and to produce on-demand individual and composite reports detailing exposure, financial strength and other metrics associated with the various securities providers and credit counterparties within and across the portfolios;

Where the owner name is not linked, that owner no longer owns the brand

Technical Examples
  1. An electromagnetic susceptor for chemical processing that is made from a matrix material that surrounds a non-matrix material that is made from a material that is different from the matrix material, the matrix material is constructed of material having lower dielectric losses compared to the non-matrix material, the non-matrix material initially absorbs electromagnetic energy applied to the electromagnetic susceptor to a greater extent than the matrix material, the non-matrix material produces subsequent heat in the matrix material, and the greatest length of measurement of the electromagnetic susceptor is between one nanometer and 10 meters.