Brand Owner (click to sort) Address Description
AMERICEL CM Communications, Inc. 8641 E. Carol Way Scottsdale AZ 85260 cellular telephones and related equipment;
CTL 1000 GTE MOBILNET INCORPORATED 616 FM 1960 WEST SUITE 400 HOUSTON TX 77090 cellular telephones and related equipment;

Where the owner name is not linked, that owner no longer owns the brand

Technical Examples
  1. A system for detecting hazardous agents is based on cellular telephone networks. The cellular telephones in public circulation have at least one detector for detecting at least one hazardous agent and broadcast alarm packets upon detecting the hazardous agent. A computer or computer network interconnected with telephones by the cellular telephone network processes the alarm packets and sets an alarm condition for the hazardous agent in a vicinity of the cellular telephone by calculations based upon alarm packets from other telephones with detectors for the hazardous agent in the vicinity. A map of the contaminated area is also created.