Brand Owner (click to sort) Address Description
NUTRI-LUXE Foodmasters Inc. P.O. Box 656, Tropicana Plaza Providenciales Turkey Cereal based snack foods namely bars, squares or cakes with the addition of fruits and/or vegetables and/or nuts and/or seeds and/or chocolates and/or candies;
THRUST Poor Richard's Distributing Corporation 2820 Huntington Place Port Coquitlam, BC V3C4T3 Canada Cereal based snack foods namely cookies, energy bars;Non-alcoholic, flavored sports drinks and powdered mixes for sports drinks;

Where the owner name is not linked, that owner no longer owns the brand

Technical Examples
  1. The method of impregnation treatment for foods comprises impregnating the foods with a liquid component or a gas component by contacting the foods with the liquid component or the gas component after vacuum treatment or in the vacuum state and/or cooling the foods in contact with the liquid component. The method of impregnation treatment for foods of the present invention enables readily impregnating various kinds of foods with various liquid components or gas components. The invention also provides a vitamin C-containing egg and a pidan-like egg.