Brand Owner (click to sort) Address Description
GINKCOLA VITAMIN CLASSICS, INC. 26135 Mureau Road, Suite 100 Calabasas CA 91302 cola containing ginkgo extracts, soda drink containing ginkgo extracts, soda water containing ginkgo extracts;
GINKGOLA BIOENERGY NUTRIENTS, INC. SUITE A 6395 GUNPARK DRIVE BOULDER CO 80301 cola containing ginkgo extracts, soft drink containing ginkgo extracts, soda water containing ginkgo extracts;
GINKOLA BIOENERGY NUTRIENTS, INC. SUITE A 6395 GUNPARK DRIVE BOULDER CO 80301 cola containing ginkgo extracts, soft drink containing ginkgo extracts, soda water containing ginkgo extracts;

Where the owner name is not linked, that owner no longer owns the brand

Technical Examples
  1. The invention provides a dietary supplement comprising at least one flavonoid source and an enzyme, that is effective for inhibiting in vivo platelet activity and LDL cholesterol oxidation in a mammal at a dosage of about 30 mg/Kg or less. The supplement may contain flavonoid sources found in grape seed extracts, grape skin extracts, bilberry extracts, ginkgo biloba extracts or the flavonoid quercetin. The supplement may also contain fungal proteases, acid stable proteases and bromelain. The invention further provides a method for using the dietary supplement and an article of manufacture containing the supplement.