Brand Owner (click to sort) Address Description
BETASIL THERMO HYPERSIL-KEYSTONE 320 Rolling Ridge Drive Bellefonte PA 16823 column packings for liquid chromatography;
BETASIL THERMO HYPERSIL-KEYSTONE, INC. Penn Eagle Industrial Park 320 Rolling Ridge Drive Bellafonte PA 16853 column packings for liquid chromatography;
DELTABOND THERMO HYPERSIL-KEYSTONE 320 Rolling Ridge Drive Bellefonte PA 16823 column packings for liquid chromatography;
KEYSTONE Thermo Hypersil-Keystone Penn Eagle Industrial Park 320 Rolling Ridge Drive Bellafonte PA 16853 column packings for liquid chromatography;

Where the owner name is not linked, that owner no longer owns the brand

Technical Examples
  1. The present invention provides a process for dissociating Fc-containing molecules from complexes of Protein A/Fc-containing molecules or mixtures containing Fc-containing molecules and Protein A. The association, e.g., by hydrophobic interactions, between the Fc-containing molecules and Protein A can be reduced or inhibited by raising the pH of dissociation. The pH of dissociation can be raised by addition of agents capable of inhibiting hydrophobic interactions, including buffers containing arginine and/or ethylene glycol, to the mixture, either prior to adding the mixture to the column chromatography substrate, after adding the mixture to the column chromatography substrate, or both prior to and after adding the mixture to the column chromatography substrate. Separation of Fc-containing molecules from Protein A can be performed on a number of different column chromatographic substrates, including column chromatographic substrates contained in Q columns (Q column chromatography substrate), HIC columns (hydrophobic interaction column chromatography substrate), and IMAC columns (metal chelate column chromatography substrate).