Brand Owner (click to sort) Address Description
ECONOMY ENERGY OUTLOOK IREMM, Inc. 20 Pine Mountain Circle North Canton CT 06059 computer simulation software used to develop forecast for the electric power industry;
ELECTRIC ENERGY PRICE BENCHMARKS AND FORECASTS THROUGH SIMULATION IREMM, Inc. 20 Pine Mountain Circle North Canton CT 06059 computer simulation software used to develop forecasts for the electric power industry;ELECTRIC ENERGY PRICE BENCH MARKS AND FORE CASTS THROUGH SIMULATION;
INNOVATE PROMODEL CORPORATION 7540 WINDSOR DRIVE SUITE 300 ALLENTOWN PA 18195 Computer simulation software used for business, namely, to provide simulation modeling of manufacturing, production, administrative, and service processes to determine how to improve business operations;
IREMM, INC. INTER-REGIONAL ELECTRIC MARKET MODEL ELECTRIC ENERGY PRICE BENCHMARKS AND FORECASTS THROUGH SIMULATION IREMM, Inc. 20 Pine Mountain Circle North Canton CT 06059 computer simulation software used to develop forecasts for the electric power industry;INC., INTER-REGIONAL ELECTRIC MARKET MODEL, ELECTRIC ENERGY PRICE BENCHMARKS AND FORECASTS THROUGH SIMULATION and the representation of the map of the United States;The mark is lined for the color yellow but color is not claimed as a feature of the mark.;

Where the owner name is not linked, that owner no longer owns the brand

Technical Examples
  1. A method of conducting a sequence of linked simulation operations, utilizing a computer-based simulation model, commences with the performance of a first simulation operation to generate an output condition. A further simulation operation, which is defined to sequentially follow the first simulation operation, is then formed utilizing the simulation model. The second simulation operation at least partially and automatically inherits the output condition generated by the first simulation operation as an input condition. In this way, the second simulation operation commences with a configuration captured from a preceding simulation operation as an input condition. Multiple simulation operations may at least partially inherit a configuration from the first simulation operation.