Brand Owner Address Description
KSR1 KENDALL SQUARE RESEARCH CORPORATION 170 TRACER LANE WALTHAM MA 021541379 computer subassemblies; namely, power supplies, disk drives, and peripheral devices; computer board-level components; namely, memories, and device controllers; computer housings, cabinets and parts thereof; and communications equipment; namely, telecommunications networks, packet switching networks, and packet switching devices;KSR 1;

Where the owner name is not linked, that owner no longer owns the brand

Technical Examples
  1. The invention relates to a method for optimizing a large-scale industrial facility, especially a power plant, consisting of m subassemblies (BGj), wherein j=1(1)m) and wherein the following steps are successively carried out: comparing the parameters (KGj) of all subassemblies (BG1 to BGj) with predetermined reference values (RWj); detecting the subassemblies (Bgi) with i=1(1)m, whose parameters (KG1) are worse than the reference values (RWi) and optimizing the subassemblies (BG1) whose parameters (KGi) are worse than the reference values (RW1).