Brand Owner (click to sort) Address Description
CTR SYSTEMS CTR Systems, Inc. Thornhill Industrial Park 555 Keystone Drive Warrendale PA 15086 computer programs for timekeeping, payroll, data collection, access control, and automated parking systems;SYSTEMS;
DARA2 NATIONAL METAL FABRICATORS 2395 GREENLEAF AVENUE ELK GROVE VILLAGE IL 60007 computer programs for timekeeping and data collection;

Where the owner name is not linked, that owner no longer owns the brand

Technical Examples
  1. Disclosed herein is an apparatus and method for audibly playing through a speaker (12) of a timekeeping apparatus (1) comprising a visual replica of a shofar (11), at least one shofar call sound (14) in response to a timing device (17) of said timekeeping apparatus (1) reaching a predetermined time.