Brand Owner Address Description
MAP MASTER GIS DIGITAL MATRIX SYSTEMS, INC. 15301 Spectrum Drive, 2nd Floor Addison TX 75001 computer software program incorporating street atlas and trip planner, geocoder address finder, Geographic Information System (GIS), graphic Structured Query Language (SQL) database manager, Computer Aided Design (CAD) precision graphics and image/full motion video, to allow the user to visualize, manipulate and analyze graphically located data and to import and display database information from outside sources;MAP and GIS;

Where the owner name is not linked, that owner no longer owns the brand

Technical Examples
  1. A system and method for identifying dependencies of a software program installed on a host computer prior to duplication of the software program from the host computer to a destination computer and for adapting the identified dependencies to the destination computer after duplication. An installed software program can be copied from a host computer to a destination computer without breaking portions of the image that rely on data unique to the computer context in which the software program is installed. Data structures store functionality exposed by a software program during installation of the software program that captures machine-specific data before duplication so that such machine-specific data can be restored properly after the duplication. Software of the invention processes the information in the data structures before and after the duplication process to identify and adapt, respectively, the dependencies.