Brand Owner (click to sort) Address Description
SYSCON Syscon Corporation 1054 31st St., NW. Washington DC 20007 computer system integration design services, namely furnishing system architecture design, system designs and product designs on a turnkey basis; computer system development, namely computer software engineering development, modeling, simulation and training systems development; consulting services via a telephone hot line service providing information related to computers; design consulting related to computer integrated manufacturing; and consulting services related to physical/data security;S SYSCON;
SYSCON Syscon Corporation 1054 31st St., NW. Washington DC 20007 computer system integration design services, namely furnishing system architecture design, system designs and product designs on a turnkey basis; computer system development, namely computer software engineering development, modeling, simulation and training systems development; consulting services via a telephone hot line services providing information related to computers; design consulting related to computer integrated manufacturing; and consulting services related to physical/data security;

Where the owner name is not linked, that owner no longer owns the brand

Technical Examples
  1. A system for providing client services with the assistance of a single source includes a distributed Internet application (DIA) maintained by an assisting party. A computer system is provided for accessing the DIA by a user. The DIA includes a presentation tier, an integration tier and a business tier. An application server couples the integration tier and the presentation tier to determine task sequencing in the presentation tier. A plurality of business units of the assisting party are provided in the business tier, the business units being accessible through the integration tier.