Brand Owner Address Description
HOME OFFICE ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA Home Office Association of America, Inc. 136 East 57th Street Suite 1001 New York NY 10022 connection with association services pertaining to matters of interest to and useful to proprietors of businesses conducted from offices located in the home;

Where the owner name is not linked, that owner no longer owns the brand

Technical Examples
  1. Estimation sections which have beforehand learned a relationship between known connection data pertaining to connection design and unknown connection data pertaining to connection design for the known connection data estimate the unknown connection data for the known connection data in accordance wit an input of the known connection data, on the basis of the result of learning. The respective estimation sections are formed from a multilayer feedforward neural network in which layers constituted of a plurality of neurons are coupled together in a direction in which the layer runs from an input layer to an output layer by way of an intermediate layer.