Brand Owner Address Description
CORALHOUSE Tingting You Unit 402, Unit 2, Building 2, No. 14 Daxin Street, Niangxi Town Xinshao County 422900 China CORAL HOUSE;Bathroom furniture; Display cases for merchandise; Display cases for cosmetics; Display racks; Drawer organizers; Dressers; Filing cabinets; Metal shelving; Metal storage cabinets; Office furniture;

Where the owner name is not linked, that owner no longer owns the brand

Technical Examples
  1. A new cultivar of Koelreuteria named 'CORAL SUN' that is characterized by emerging and persistent orange red spring foliage, mid-green summer foliage, bright red petioles at all times, and the typical golden yellow fall foliage for the species. In combination these traits set 'CORAL SUN' apart from all other existing varieties of Koelreuteria known to the inventor.