Brand Owner Address Description
CTS Western Psychological Services 12031 Wilshire Blvd Los Angeles CA 90025 CREATIVE THERAPY STORE;Personality testing for psychological purposes; Providing psychological profiles and psychological record analysis and assessments via a website that are designed to provide custom tailored outputs about recommended resources and treatments associated with a defined set of symptoms and concerns; Psychological assessment services; Psychological testing; Psychological testing services;

Where the owner name is not linked, that owner no longer owns the brand

Technical Examples
  1. Cardiac treatment methods and devices providing templates representative of past tachyarrythmia events, each template associated with a therapy. A cardiac waveform is detected, and if it corresponds to a particular template associated with a previous therapy that was satisfactory in terminating a past event, the previous therapy is delivered again. If unsatisfactory, the previous therapy is eliminated as an option. If, for example, the previous therapy was an antitachycardia pacing therapy unsatisfactory in terminating the past tachyarrythmia event, delivery of the antitachycardia pacing therapy is eliminated as an option. Instead of ATP therapy, one or more of a cardioversion, defibrillation, or alternate anti-tachycardia pacing therapy may be associated with the particular template. Cardiac waveforms and templates may correspond in terms of one or more of morphology, timing, drug regimen, medication, neural activity, patient activity, hemodynamic status, cardiac tissue impedance, transthoracic impedance, or other information corresponding to the episode.