Brand Owner Address Description
CULTUREOWL CREATIVE MARKETING CONCEPTS, INC. Suite 106 21355 East Dixie Highway Aventura FL 33180 CULTURE OWL;Promoting visual and performing arts events by means of providing an online events calendar, original articles, interviews, and information about art, artists and arts events via an internet web site, all for promotional purposes;

Where the owner name is not linked, that owner no longer owns the brand

Technical Examples
  1. An organotypic culture comprises an artificial stroma overlayed with epithelial cells isolated from a human colon or intestine. The stroma comprises a mixture of collagen and human fibroblasts isolated from a human colon or intestine. The culture contains a factor that binds the IGF-1 receptor, a factor that binds the EGF receptor, and a factor that binds the LIF receptor. These factors may be added exogenously to the culture via medium or may be expressed by various recombinantly engineered cell types in the culture. The organotypic culture can result in growth that is in situ-like or emphasizes other physiological or morphological states, depending on the balance of factors in the growth media. The organotypic culture may be used in methods for screening of therapeutic, carcinogenic, or growth enhancement factors, or for treating intestinal injuries by applying to the site of an injury the intact culture or the components thereof.