Brand Owner (click to sort) Address Description
IMMUNOCODE CeMines, Inc. Suite 100 603 Park Point Drive Golden CO 80401 diagnostic test and analysis kits comprising peptide reagents for detection of auto-antibodies or T-cell receptors for human medical diagnosis and monitoring of therapeutic response;
SPLICECODE CeMines, Inc. Suite 100 603 Park Point Drive Golden CO 80401 diagnostic test and analysis kits comprising specific analyte reagents for detection of mRNA alternative variants for human medical diagnosis and monitoring of therapeutic response;SPLICE CODE;

Where the owner name is not linked, that owner no longer owns the brand

Technical Examples
  1. A diagnostic read circuit provides RAM data for external analysis. The RAM or RAMs and diagnostic read circuit are integrated within an integrated circuit. If a data storage error occurs, the diagnostic read circuit provides the RAM data for external analysis. The diagnostic read circuit includes an address generator that generates RAM addresses for data retrieval and a data register that temporarily stores the retrieved data and provides the data to at least one external pin for analysis. The RAM address may also be provided with the data.