Brand Owner (click to sort) Address Description
MPEGANYWARE FutureTel, Inc. 1053 Kiel Court Sunnyvale CA 94098 digital computer program for real-time encoding of compressed digital video data and for transmitting such data from the unit in which digital video data compression occurs over a local area network to a transmission unit, and for re-transmission of the compressed digital data video data from the transmission unit via a wide band-width digital telephonic communication channel, such as a T1 or an E1 digital telephone service, to a unit which converts the compressed digital video back to a conventional video signal; diskettes containing such computer program; and instruction manuals describing such computer program, all sold as a unit;MPEG;
MPEGTHERE FutureTel, Inc. 1053 Kiel Court Sunnyvale CA 94098 digital computer program for real-time encoding of compressed digital video data and for transmitting such data over a wide bandwidth digital telephonic communication channel, such as a T1 or an E1 digital telephone service, to a unit which coverts the compressed digital video data back to a conventional video signal; diskettes containing such computer program; and instruction manuals describing such computer program, all sold as a unit;MPEG 3;

Where the owner name is not linked, that owner no longer owns the brand

Technical Examples
  1. In one embodiment, a computer program blocks windows categorized as bad windows, while allowing windows categorized as good windows to be displayed. The computer program may categorize a window by consulting one or more lists. In one embodiment, a list may be updated from time to time to optimize the computer program and prevent program-obsolescence. Techniques for defeating a window-blocking mechanism are also disclosed. In one embodiment, a computer program detects if a window is of a type that offers a product to a user. If so, the computer program provides a separate window containing information regarding the product. In one embodiment, a computer program detects if a user has a need for the computer program. If so, the user is informed of the efficacy of the computer program, which is then offered to the user.