Brand Owner (click to sort) Address Description
CLEAN DRIP HOODZ INTERNATIONAL 185 Oakland, Suite 300 Birmingham MI 48009 Disposable and absorbent box containing oil absorbent materials used to encapsulate waste oil, transmission fluid and other hydrocarbons and break them down to acceptable landfill levels;
DYNOTRAP HOODZ INTERNATIONAL 185 Oakland, Suite 300 Birmingham MI 48009 Disposable and absorbent box containing oil absorbent materials used to encapsulate waste oil, transmission fluid and other hydrocarbons and break them down to acceptable landfill levels;DYNO TRAP;

Where the owner name is not linked, that owner no longer owns the brand

Technical Examples
  1. The present invention relates to articles, preferably disposable absorbent articles like sanitary napkins and pantiliners, which comprise a cationic polysaccharide, typically chitin-based material and/or chitosan material, and an acidic pH buffering means. Such disposable absorbent articles deliver improved odor control performance even upon prolonged wearing time of the articles.