Brand Owner Address Description
EARLY INTERVENTION, BETTER OUTCOMES PERCEPTRONIX MEDICAL INC. 555 West 8th Avenue Suite 400 Vancouver, BC V5Z 1C6 Canada EARLY INTERVENTION, BETTER OUT COMES;Medical apparatus for diagnosis of disease, namely cancer; medical endoscopes for diagnosis of disease, detection of disease in the nature of cancer, for visual analysis of specimens for the diagnosis of disease; endoscopy cameras; optical medical diagnostic imaging apparatus; optical medical diagnostic fluorescence imaging apparatus; medical diagnostic spectral analysis apparatus, namely, endoscopes; endoscopes used in implementing diagnostic tests designed to detect disease; medical diagnostic fluorescence imaging and spectral analysis apparatus, namely, endoscopes; medical test kits used in implementing diagnostic tests designed to detect disease, in the nature of cancer, namely, sputum tests, DNA staining kits, lung cancer detection tests; medical test kits for the detection of disease in the nature of cancer, namely, DNA staining kits, lung cancer detection tests, sputum tests; medical test kits for the automated cytometric analysis of cells, namely sputum tests; medical test kits for the detection of atypia, namely, sputum tests; medical test kits for visual analysis of specimens for the diagnosis of disease, namely, sputum tests; medical test kits for comparison of visual analysis of specimens to knowledge base, namely, DNA staining kits, and sputum tests; medical test kits for automated measurement of cell morphology and tissue architecture, namely, sputum tests; medical test kits for automated measurement of cell morphology and tissue architecture for the diagnosis of disease, namely, sputum tests; medical test kits for cellular analysis of specimens for the diagnosis of disease, namely, sputum tests; medical test kits for automated quantitative cellular analysis of specimens for the diagnosis of disease, namely, sputum tests; medical test kits for automated quantitative analysis of cell features for the diagnosis of disease, namely, sputum tests; medical test kits for automated quantitative analysis of DNA ploidy and nuclear features, namely, sputum tests;

Where the owner name is not linked, that owner no longer owns the brand

Technical Examples
  1. An apparatus and method for providing early instruction results is disclosed. Early execution logic, comprising an enhanced address generator located in an address generation stage of the microprocessor pipeline, receives input operands and generates early results of instructions reaching the address stage prior to final execution units (in lower pipeline stages) generating final results of the instruction for updating an architected register file. The early execution logic is configured to execute only a subset of the instructions in the microprocessor instruction set. The early results are invalid if the instruction is not in the subset. An early register file corresponding to the architected register file stores the early results and also provides the early results to the early execution logic as input operands. The generated early results are invalid if any input operands are invalid. Early status flags accumulated from the early results enable selective early execution of conditional instructions.