Brand Owner Address Description
EARTH TO EARTH COTTONSEED MEAL THE GARDENERS NATURAL CHOICE Delta Oil Mill P. O. Box 29 100 Mill Street Jonestown MS 38639 Earth to Earth Gardener's Natural Choice Fertilizer;The certification mark, as used by authorized persons, certifies that this product was grown, milled, and packaged in Southern United States.;

Where the owner name is not linked, that owner no longer owns the brand

Technical Examples
  1. Atomic layer epitaxy (ALE) is applied to the fabrication of new forms of rare-earth oxides, rare-earth nitrides and rare-earth phosphides. Further, ternary compounds composed of binary (rare-earth oxides, rare-earth nitrides and rare-earth phosphides) mixed with silicon and or germanium to form compound semiconductors of the formula RE-(O, N, P)-(Si,Ge) are also disclosed, where RE=at least one selection from group of rare-earth metals, O=oxygen, N=nitrogen, P=phosphorus, Si=silicon and Ge=germanium. The presented ALE growth technique and material system can be applied to silicon electronics, opto-electronic, magneto-electronics and magneto-optics devices.