Brand Owner (click to sort) Address Description
EASYCHEW Hornbaker, Eugene 7. S. Fayette St. Mercersburg PA 17236 EASY CHEW;shirts and caps;
EZ-CHEW NOBLE PHARMA 4602 Domain Drive Menomonie WI 547512379 EASY-CHEW;Pet food, namely, treats;
EZ-CHEW EZ-MED HOLDINGS, INC. 180 Douglas Rd. E. Oldsmar FL 346772939 EASY-CHEW;Pet food, namely, treats;

Where the owner name is not linked, that owner no longer owns the brand

Technical Examples
  1. A method for producing a jerked meat rawhide chew toys has steps of forming rawhide chew toys, preparing neat, processing the meat, coating the rawhide chew toys with meat and drying the rawhide chew toys coated with meat. According to the method, the rawhide chew toys are coated with meat and jerked to improve dogs' desire to chew rawhide chew toys a long time to achieve the objective of cleaning dogs' teeth better.