Brand Owner (click to sort) Address Description
AXIS Digilock Asia Ltd. Flat B, 27th Floor Grandion Plaza No. 932 Cheung Sha Wan Road Lai Chi Kok Hong Kong Electronic locks for lockers, cabinets and furniture;
CUE Digilock Asia Ltd. Flat B, 27th Floor Grandion Plaza No. 932 Cheung Sha Wan Road Lai Chi Kok Hong Kong electronic locks for lockers and cabinets;

Where the owner name is not linked, that owner no longer owns the brand

Technical Examples
  1. An electronic locking device is disclosed which, when applied to rental lockers, will allow electronic data to be delivered without causing inconvenience to a user. One who desires to use a locker will approach an input device while in possession of a recording device. The input device will detect the approach of the recording device without coming into contact therewith, and will output data indicating the detection thereof to a management device. The management device will extract the locker IDs of the lockers that are not currently being used, and will display the unused lockers on the input device. When a user inputs the selection of a locker and a password into the input device, the locker ID of the selected locker and the password will be output to the management device. The management device will set the electronic data, i.e., the electronic key, for opening the selected locker, wirelessly output the electronic key to the recording device via the input device, and the selected locker will be unlocked. The recording device will store the received electronic key.