Brand Owner Address Description
EPRISM MERCER (US) INC. 23rd Floor 1166 Avenue of the Americas New York NY 10036 ELECTRONIC PRISM;Color is not claimed as a feature of the mark.;Business management planning, namely modeling and planning for employee compensation;

Where the owner name is not linked, that owner no longer owns the brand

Technical Examples
  1. An optical prism assembly. The optical prism assembly includes an isosceles triangular prism and a plurality of prism blocks. The isosceles triangular prism comprises a base angle, between 30° and 45°. A first prism block and a second prism block are connected to two bounding surfaces of the isosceles triangular prism having equal lengths. A third prism block is connected between the first prism block and the second prism block. A first dichroic filter and a second dichroic filter are formed on the isosceles triangular prism and two adjacent bounding surfaces of each prism blocks, such that the isosceles triangular prism is combined with each prism block to form a first filter continuous plane and a second filter continuous plane.