Brand Owner (click to sort) Address Description
QUICK COUNT SETRA SYSTEMS, INC. 159 Swanson Road Boxborough MA 01719 electronic counting scales;
SUPER COUNT SETRA SYSTEMS, INC. 159 Swanson Road Boxborough MA 01719 electronic counting scales;

Where the owner name is not linked, that owner no longer owns the brand

Technical Examples
  1. The present invention provides a system for producing a packet delivery schedule, based on desired priority and weighting characterizations of the packet traffic. A number of prioritization schemes are systematically and efficiently reduce to reliable, repeatable schedules. The system accepts two sequences of inputs, based on desired message classification scales. The system begins counting through the sequences, based on their relationships to one another, to determine when to add a member of either scale to a schedule. The system may be designed to terminate the schedule after a fixed number of countings, or may be repeated iteratively as desired. Once a schedule is completed, the system may continue producing other schedules, utilizing different classification scales, until all classification scales have been comprehended. The resulting schedules are systematically combined to produce a single schedule comprehending all desired classification scales. This system can be implemented in hardware, software, or a combination of both.