Brand Owner (click to sort) Address Description
DIBS DIGITAL IMAGE BANK SERVICE, G.P. 10 Riverside Drive Lakeville MA 02347 electronic transmission of brand product images data via computer terminals to retail advertisers and catalogue publishers;computer services in the nature of archiving, namely storing and retrieving brand product images;providing retail advertisers and catalogue publishers access to an interactive computer database consisting of archived digital brand product images; and providing retail advertisers and catalogue publishers digital product images from an archived computerized, information database by means of electronic transmission which can be downloaded;The drawing is lined for the color red.;
DIBS DIGITAL IMAGE BANK SERVICE DIGITAL IMAGE BANK SERVICE, G.P. 10 Riverside Drive Lakeville MA 02347 electronic transmission of brand product images data via computer terminals to retail advertisers and catalogue publishers;computer services in the nature of archiving, namely, storing and retrieving brand product images;DIGITAL IMAGE BANK SERVICE;providing retail advertisers and catalogue publishers access to an interactive computer database consisting of archived digital brand product images; and providing retail advertisers and catalogue publishers digital product images from an archived computerized, information database by means of electronic transmission which can be downloaded;The drawing is lined for the color red.;

Where the owner name is not linked, that owner no longer owns the brand

Technical Examples
  1. A system to determine metrics based on preference information. The metrics may be presented to a client in several forms and may include at least one of: impact of change in attribute on change in share; impact of change in attribute on share; impact of change in attribute on change in normalized utility; willingness to pay; relation of price and share, given a change in an attribute; gap analysis; gap with competition; unacceptable attribute levels; vulnerability; clout; brand favorability; brand vulnerability; and change in margin due to acceptable change in comparison product.