Brand Owner (click to sort) Address Description
CANS-US CONTINENTAL AMERICAN CORPORATION 5000 E. 29th Street North Wichita KS 672202111 Empty Metal Cans, to which Various Gift Items May Be Added and Sealed Therein;KANSAS;

Where the owner name is not linked, that owner no longer owns the brand

Technical Examples
  1. A carton with bevel corners for carrying cans, or other articles, which has an interlocking separator pad so the cans or articles can be contained in two layers is provided. The carton has two ends, each of which is closed by two side end closures and top and bottom end flaps. Each side end closure has an aperture that is interlocked with the end portion of an interlocking separator pad. In one embodiment of this invention, the interlocking separator pad has two tabs with the aperture in each side end closure being a slot through which a tab is extended. This pad may have a foldably attached leading flap that is lodged between cans or articles contained in the carton and the side end closures. In another embodiment of this invention, the aperture in each side end closure is a slit with the interlocking separator pad having a leading flap which extends through the slits on the side end closures on an end of the carton and folded up or down and lodged between the side end closures and the top end flap or bottom end flap. The interlocking of the separator pad with the apertures in the side end closures prevents the pad from shifting as cans are removed from the carton. Both of these embodiments may have a dispenser in the side panel for the removal of cans or articles inside.