Brand Owner Address Description
AEXTRA ASSETS AETNA LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY Hartford CT extra assets;administration of an annuity plan to supplement retirement income;ASSETS;

Where the owner name is not linked, that owner no longer owns the brand

Technical Examples
  1. A system and method for managing assets in a file system or plural Web servers includes crawling the assets to identify the assets in the system and any reference pointers, such as hyperlinks in the Web context, to other assets in the system. Metadata representing the assets and pointers is stored in a database that is linked to the assets, such that, e.g., backing up of the database causes the assets to be backed up. Any broken pointers such as hyperlinks that point to non-existent Web pages are addressed. Then, the database and the links between the database and the underlying assets are used to manage subsequent modifications, additions, and deletions to, e.g., assets on a Web server, such that it can be ensured that when a user clicks on a hyperlink, a "file not found" message is avoided.