Brand Owner (click to sort) Address Description
OPTIMAIL BELL ATLANTIC NETWORK SERVICES, INC. 1320 N. Court House Rd. 8th Floor Arlington VA 22201 facsimile transmission services and electronic voice messaging, namely the recording, storage and subsequent transmission of voice messages by telephone;
SCOTFAX Scotpage Corporation Ltd. 2350 Laurentien Boulevard Montreal, Quebec H4R 1K3 Canada facsimile transmission services and electronic voice messaging; namely, the recording, storage and subsequent transmission of voice messages by telephone;scot-fax;
SMARTMONEY SmartMoney 1755 Broadway New York NY 10019 facsimile transmission services and electronic transmission of a magazine and investment, business and financial news and information;SMART MONEY;

Where the owner name is not linked, that owner no longer owns the brand

Technical Examples
  1. An Internet facsimile gateway device that exchanges image information between a data terminal device and a facsimile device through a telecommunication network and the Internet by taking the steps of transmitting the image information included in an electronic mail message to the facsimile device when the Internet facsimile gateway device receives the electronic mail message requesting image-information transmission to the facsimile device, creating a delivery-confirmation mail message notifying a result of the image-information transmission after the image-information transmission by the Internet facsimile gateway device is completed if the electronic mail message requests the Internet facsimile gateway device to transmit the delivery-confirmation mail message to an original address of the electronic mail message, and transmitting the delivery-confirmation mail message to the original address of the electronic mail message.