Brand Owner (click to sort) Address Description
"FAST FAX" Postal Plus Copy Shops, Inc. Suite 300 1012 Prospect St. La Jolla CA 92037 FACSIMILE COMMUNICATION;
FAXABILITY FAXBACK, INC. 7007 SW Cardinal Lane, Suite 105 7007 SW Cardinal Lane, Suite 105 Portland OR 97224 Facsimile communication, namely, computer hardware and software services for interconnecting and distributing fax over the internet;FAX ABILITY;

Where the owner name is not linked, that owner no longer owns the brand

Technical Examples
  1. An internet facsimile communication system capable, in the internet facsimile based on the Recommendation T.38, of receiving an incoming call for a facsimile communication regardless of the setting of receiving mode in the facsimile apparatus thereby avoiding a drawback that a person responds to a facsimile communication.