Brand Owner (click to sort) Address Description
GBC GREIF PACKAGING 425 Winter Road Delaware OH 43015 fibre drums for transport and storage;
GBC GREIF BROS. CORP.OF OHIO, INC 425 WINTER ROAD DELAWARE OH 43015 fibre drums for transport and storage;

Where the owner name is not linked, that owner no longer owns the brand

Technical Examples
  1. A technique for providing multiple Fibre Channel frames in one frame-mapped GFP transport frame. GFP conventions are followed, except that a Distributed Delimiter marks each Fibre Channel frame in the payload of GFP transport frame. The Distributed Delimiter has a Fixed Pattern field which varies distinctly from the special K28.5 character which indicates Fibre Channel Ordered Sets and has a Frame Length field to indicate the length of the Fibre Channel frame.