Brand Owner (click to sort) Address Description
94 APPLIED UNDERWRITERS Applied Underwriters, Inc. 10805 Old Mill Road Omaha NE 68154 Financial Services for business, namely administration of insurance and employee benefit plans for business organizations;UNDERWRITERS;
APPLIED EXPERIENCE.APPLIED INTELLIGENCE NORTH AMERICAN CASUALTY CO. 10805 Old Mill Road Omaha NE 68154 Financial Services for business, namely administration of insurance and employee benefit plans for business organizations;APPLIED EXPERIENCE APPLIED INTELLIGENCE;
APPLIED UNDERWRITERS NORTH AMERICAN CASUALTY CO. 10805 Old Mill Road Omaha NE 68154 Financial Services for business, namely administration of insurance and employee benefit plans for business organizations;UNDERWRITERS;
EQUITY COMP NORTH AMERICAN CASUALTY CO. 10805 Old Mill Road Omaha NE 68154 Financial Services for business, namely administration of insurance and employee benefit plans for business organizations;
EQUITY COMP NORTH AMERICAN CASUALTY CO. 10805 Old Mill Road Omaha NE 68154 Financial Services for business, namely administration of insurance and employee benefit plans for business organizations;

Where the owner name is not linked, that owner no longer owns the brand

Technical Examples
  1. A portal facilitates electronic business communication between independent agents and connected financial services providers such as terminals of insurance firms, etc. By means of a data transmission via the portal and a format conversion, all the data relevant to the preparation, arrangement, and provision of a financial service, for example of insurance firms, are handled electronically. It is thus possible to substantially dispense with paper-based manual processing of data.