Brand Owner Address Description
SUPER SLICK TAB Saunders Archery Co. Industrial Site Columbus NE 68601 Finger Tab for Protection of Archer's Fingers When Using Bow;

Where the owner name is not linked, that owner no longer owns the brand

Technical Examples
  1. An electrostatic discharge protection circuit. The electrostatic discharge (ESD) circuit utilizes inductors and resistors added to sources of multiple fingers of the NMOS transistor, which is triggered by some feedback circuit uniformly. When under an ESD zapping, a finger MOS transistor is trigger initially to snapback region owing to its layout or other causes, a voltage drop across the inductor or the resistor connected to the source of the finger MOS transistor is occurred and presented to gates of the other finger MOS transistors by the feedback circuit. Thus, the other finger MOS transistors are turned on.